

Public Relations Blog

The Grand Duke Has Mad PR Skills



As you can see from the titles of my articles, I only write about those individuals or teams that have mad PR skills. This blog will inform you of the mad skills of the Grand Duke. Who is the Grand Duke you ask? The Grand Duke is the Palace Public Relations Specialist to the King. I know it’s a long name, so we’ll just call it PPRS to the K. The Grand Duke also played himself in the Disney movie Cinderella.

So, lets talk PR and the Grand Duke. The Grand Duke analyzed the situation of the kingdom. He knew the king would soon go to his grave and reunite with his love. He also knew the recklessness of the prince, and after some informal research, decided the only way to turn a prince into a king is to find him a bride, AKA his true love.

The PPRS to the K had a way with words that always lead the King to make the right decision, especially with regards to the future of the kingdom, and the prince. He planted an idea in the King’s mind (kind of like inception) that there must be a ball, where the prince would, for the good of the kingdom, choose a bride.

Now a little unknown backstory, the Grand Duke and Cinderella were a “thing” in high school. He knew all about her amazing beauty and small feet. He also knew if there was one maiden in the kingdom with a fairy godmother it was Cindy. He also knew of the awful stepmother and sisters Cindy had to live with. In fact they were the reason he dumped her, he couldn’t handle the constant repairs he had to make to his clothes.

Having done his research, and considering what was best for the kingdom, the PPRS to the K invited every eligible maiden to the ball in less than 24 hours. After a single dance, a lost glass slipper, and broken pieces of pumpkin, the Grand Duke designed a plan that involved a shoe fitting of any eligible maiden within the kingdom. This shoe fitting brought the kingdom together in a common cause, which was to find the prince’s true love. Wanting to maintain the suspense of the kingdom, the Grand Duke would save his ex-girlfriend for last.

Recap: Kingdom is brought together in a common goal. Prince finds love. Cindy kisses the PPRS to the K’s forehead, suggesting she has not forgotten him.


Willy Wonka Had Mad PR Skills


What are your first thoughts when I say, “I’ve got a golden ticket”? Chocolate? Candy? A Wonka Bar perhaps? Maybe you think of a mysterious factory where people never go in, and people never come out.

Either Willy Wonka knew his PR, or his orange faced, green haired Umpa Lumpas did. Regardless of whose idea it was, it worked. Wonka ran a large, yet secretive candy factory that very few people, if any, knew much about. Wonka candies sold well, but the public knew very little about the inner workings of this dark and twisted factory. The public seemed to wonder what went on inside those tall smoke stacks.

Wonka noticed the public’s curiosity about his factory and wanted to inform the public that his factory was more than merely brick and mortar.

It is thought that Wonka’s PR campaign started years before the five golden tickets were hidden in the Wonka Bars. Wonka needed to create the curiosity and mystery for this to work. Nobody enjoys going inside a place that everyone already knows everything about.

For years the gates of the factory remained closed to the public. Waiting for just the right time, Wonka finally released his five golden tickets, and to his little surprise, the public began purchasing hundreds, even thousands, of Wonka Bars. Other factories bought up thousands of cases, and paid their employees to open candy bars for a chance to find out what exactly went on inside the factory. Even the poor gave their last bits of silver to purchase what candy they could.

As a result of this brilliant PR stunt, Wonka sold record numbers of chocolate bars, and with extremely fine print, still kept the inner workings of his factory quiet. He was also able to find a good-hearted young man to take over the business.


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