
I am the youngest of thirteen brothers and one sister. I was raised by a loving mother and father who taught me what it meant work hard, play hard, and pray even harder. My older siblings and I haven’t always gotten along; just like any family we fought and made up. Growing up with all these brothers, I always had someone to talk to. We had our own football team, I was always playing football with someone outside.

As I aged, I became more interested in girls, I was still afraid of them, but I was interested. I went on a mission to Toronto Canada where I gained some self-confidence and a more attractive spirit. When I returned home, I moved to Boise ID. and re-entered the dating scene. I was the hot new guy in town, so it only took 3 years for me to find my amazing wife.
We now have 3 kids. Our oldest daughter is 6 years and our middle child is a 4 year old girl and our youngest is a 2 year old boy. They are my life, and one of the many reasons I am working hard to put myself through college.
I love mountain biking, even though I am not extremely good at it. There is something about being in the great outdoors riding fast through the trees, that I just love. I also enjoy hiking with my family. One of the things I enjoy most about hiking, is stopping by the trail and having a little snack with my wife and kids and soaking in the beauty of the surrounding area.