


Project 1 flier

project 1 flier

Description: Black and white flier promotion for graduate leadership conference

Process: First, I had to get my brain juices flowing by sketching out some design ideas. The image, logo, and text were given to me to use for this flier. I started by situating my text in Adobe InDesign. Once I felt good about the positioning of the text I placed the logo and image. I brought the message to the forefront by boldly contrasting white on black. Alignment was crucial for this flier to look just right. In the body copy I used bold caps to bring out the message I wanted for the audience.

Message: I wanted graduates to know what they could expect to gain by attending this conference.

Audience: Graduates and graduating seniors.

Top things learned: Alignment creates a clean, crisp, professional look.

Title Font Name and Category: Bell MT — Old Style

Copy Font Name and Category: Candara regular and Bold — Sans Serif

Links to all Images and Text Used: Logo, Text and Image.


Comm 130 Intro Video

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