
If you had three wishes from a public relations genie, what would you wish for? Aladdin had three wishes from a fresh out of college PR guy named Genie. Aladdin’s first wish was to become a prince so he could woo Princess Jasmine. Being new to the field of PR, Genie failed to perform any research, and anyone who knows PR knows one should always perform research.

Aladdin, of course, trusted Genie to get him where he needed to be. With a catchy song and dance Aladdin was parading down the streets of Agrabah with his golden camels, creating quite a scene. However, this would not impress the princess who had all she needed, except true love. Aladdin took a nosedive on his magic carpet, as his prize to be won would not be so easily persuaded.

Genie’s failure to follow basic PR principles led Aladdin to the bottom of the ocean where he would use his second wish to save himself. Genie was not willing to have his PR reputation tarnished by his lack of experience, so he stuck with Al free of charge until he made things right.

Searching for the right approach to the princess’ heart, Genie had an idea buzz through his mind. “Be yourself” is all he suggested to Al. This stroke of genius would reveal a clear path for Aladdin to follow, leading right into the loving arms of Jasmine.

How did Genie come up with this brilliant idea? He considered his audience, and what they wanted. He figured out the best way to approach the princess was through presenting the facts. There was no need for Al to impress the princess with fine things and a cocky attitude. All Aladdin needed to do was reveal himself for what he was, a hard working thief that loved monkeys, bread, the palace and the princess residing within.

Aladdin’s last wish of course was to free Genie of his PR responsibility. No matter what your PR wishes are, remember to do your research, know your audience, know your desired outcome and be willing to adjust your plan if at first wish you don’t succeed.