P6DustinWagnerBlog P6DustinWagner
Description:This is a business card and matching stationary for a pest control company that I made up. The card information is also made up so do not try to contact.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): For this project I used the curved line tool, quick shapes and the line tool. I messed around with a bunch of different fonts to give it the right look.
Message: This is a pest control co. that is ready to protect your home from pesky pests.
Audience: Anyone with a hate for spiders and bugs
Top Thing Learned: I learned patience and a little better on how to use InDesign and Illustrator. I learned no matter what, you have got to keep working on a project until you feel it is just right.
Color scheme and color names: I used a Red Monochromatic color scheme.
Title Font Name & Category: OCR A std – Sans Serif
Copy Font Name & Category: Myriad Pro – Sans Serif