

November 2015

Jew vs. Syrian Refugees

The land of immigrants is against immigration.

Some people are saying Syrian refugees are no different than the Jewish refugees of 1938.

Histopinion tweeted these statistics, showing how Americans felt about Jewish refugees.Screen Shot 2015-11-25 at 4.42.28 PM

Is there really a comparison from then to now? Most Americans were apposed to Jewish refugees and currently the majority of Americans are against Syrian refugees.

The only fair thing to do is look at the arguments from 1938 and now, to see if they really compare.

In 1939 Americans were mostly concerned with economics, after all, they were in the middle of the great depression, and soon to be involved in WWII.

According to the Nov. 5, 1938 edition of The New York Times. Senator Gerald P. Nye of North Dakota said, “Our conditions here at home prohibit accepting an influx of population.”

They were concerned that the Jewish refugees would take their jobs.

Americans are currently worried about the state of the economy. Americans are struggling to find jobs and some argue Syrian refugees will take jobs away from Americans.

Disguised Nazi spies was a concern, as Jewish refugees immigrated to the U.S. in 1938. Americans were concerned that Jews would also bring with them their communistic views.

Americans currently argue that refugees coming from Syria will also bring with them their ideology and Shari’a Law and disregard the Constitution of the United States.

Similarities certainly cannot be denied. But one should examine the differences.

Americans in 1938 were not afraid of the Jews coming over and planning to kill random Americans in the name of God.

Americans today are concerned that ISIS is disguising themselves as refugees and designing plans to carryout mass killings.

This fear is derived from a recent ISIS attack in Paris, and goes back to 9/11, when two planes were highjacked and crashed into the World Trade Centers, a third plane crashed into the Pentagon and a fourth plane into a field in Pennsylvania.

Should the land of immigrants be against immigrations? You decide.





Project 7

P7DustinWagnerScreenshotDescription:My very first Website. I designed this for my wife’s handmade crafts store.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills):I worked hard on this. I used Photoshop and word wrangler to write the html and CSS code. It took a lot of patience in order to validate all the coding
Message: Classy handmade products.
Audience: Crafters throughout the world
Top Thing Learned: Coding is actually really fun. It takes time to get everything just right, but once you do it is very gratifying.
Color scheme and color hex(s): Monochromatic, Purple
Title Font Families & Category: Satisfy – script
Copy Font Families & Category: Bree – serif
Changes made to the CSS: Font styles, background images, colors, alignments, personal notes, opacity and transparency.
Word Count: 325

Willy Wonka Had Mad PR Skills


What are your first thoughts when I say, “I’ve got a golden ticket”? Chocolate? Candy? A Wonka Bar perhaps? Maybe you think of a mysterious factory where people never go in, and people never come out.

Either Willy Wonka knew his PR, or his orange faced, green haired Umpa Lumpas did. Regardless of whose idea it was, it worked. Wonka ran a large, yet secretive candy factory that very few people, if any, knew much about. Wonka candies sold well, but the public knew very little about the inner workings of this dark and twisted factory. The public seemed to wonder what went on inside those tall smoke stacks.

Wonka noticed the public’s curiosity about his factory and wanted to inform the public that his factory was more than merely brick and mortar.

It is thought that Wonka’s PR campaign started years before the five golden tickets were hidden in the Wonka Bars. Wonka needed to create the curiosity and mystery for this to work. Nobody enjoys going inside a place that everyone already knows everything about.

For years the gates of the factory remained closed to the public. Waiting for just the right time, Wonka finally released his five golden tickets, and to his little surprise, the public began purchasing hundreds, even thousands, of Wonka Bars. Other factories bought up thousands of cases, and paid their employees to open candy bars for a chance to find out what exactly went on inside the factory. Even the poor gave their last bits of silver to purchase what candy they could.

As a result of this brilliant PR stunt, Wonka sold record numbers of chocolate bars, and with extremely fine print, still kept the inner workings of his factory quiet. He was also able to find a good-hearted young man to take over the business.



To Whom It May Concern:

This letter is to recommend Dustin Wagner for employment. Mr. Wagner has shown great skill and ability writing in the communication field. As his professor, I am confident he will be successful in any position he holds.

Mr. Wagner has a great and thorough understanding for the skills and techniques required to keep a competitive edge in a demanding and changing market. This has been manifested in his work writing inverted pyramid style. He is a skilled interviewer and can translate a professional interview into a well-crafted and dynamic story.

Mr. Wagner was always punctual to his classes. He was a regular contributor and asked meaningful questions as he worked diligently to master the material. He was a welcome contributor to many class discussions.

Mr. Wagner works well under pressure and always meets his deadlines. He is a team player and is willing to take criticism and put in the necessary effort to improve his work. He is dependable and would do well in a professional team setting.

While a student, Mr. Wagner was involved in the I~Comm Student Media program at Brigham Young University-Idaho. He excelled and was respected by his editor, his Editor in Chief and his fellow staff members. While working on staff, Mr. Wagner gained hands-on experience for how a newsroom operates and the collaborative effort required to produce daily web content and weekly print content.

I am confident that Mr. Wagner will be a valuable addition to your team. Please give him your fullest consideration for a position at your company.

Best wishes,

Emmilie Whitlock
Adjunct professor, Brigham Young University-Idaho

About Me

IMG_1613I am the youngest of thirteen brothers and one sister. I was raised by a loving mother and father who taught me what it meant work hard, play hard, and pray even harder. My older siblings and I haven’t always gotten along; just like any family we fought and made up. Growing up with all these brothers, I always had someone to talk to. We had our own football team, I was always playing football with someone outside.

As I aged, I became more interested in girls, I was still afraid of them, but I was interested. I went on a mission to Toronto Canada where I gained some self-confidence and a more attractive spirit. When I returned home, I moved to Boise ID. and re-entered the dating scene. I was the hot new guy in town, so it only took 3 years for me to find my amazing wife.
We now have 3 kids. Our oldest daughter is 6 years and our middle child is a 4 year old girl and our youngest is a 2 year old boy. They are my life, and one of the many reasons I am working hard to put myself through college.
I love mountain biking, even though I am not extremely good at it. There is something about being in the great outdoors riding fast through the trees, that I just love. I also enjoy hiking with my family. One of the things I enjoy most about hiking, is stopping by the trail and having a little snack with my wife and kids and soaking in the beauty of the surrounding area.

Project 6 Stationery and Business Cards

P6DustinWagnerBlog P6DustinWagner
Description:This is a business card and matching stationary for a pest control company that I made up. The card information is also made up so do not try to contact.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): For this project I used the curved line tool, quick shapes and the line tool. I messed around with a bunch of different fonts to give it the right look.
Message: This is a pest control co. that is ready to protect your home from pesky pests.
Audience: Anyone with a hate for spiders and bugs
Top Thing Learned: I learned patience and a little better on how to use InDesign and Illustrator. I learned no matter what, you have got to keep working on a project until you feel it is just right.
Color scheme and color names: I used a Red Monochromatic color scheme.
Title Font Name & Category: OCR A std – Sans Serif
Copy Font Name & Category: Myriad Pro – Sans Serif

Suffer the Children

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has taken its stand to protect the family, by refusing to baptize young children.

Word is out about the LDS Church’s new handbook guidelines regarding children not being allowed to be blessed or baptized if they are living in the homes of same-sex couples.

LDS Spokesmen, Eric Hawkins said, The LDS Church introduced new instructions in the Leadership handbook for stake presidents and bishops. He said, The handbook is designed to help clergymen know the guidelines and policies of the church as they serve in their capacity throughout the world, according to Deseret News.

Hawkins said, The handbook defines same-sex marriage under the definition of apostasy. He said the handbook now includes certain guidelines for ordinances such as, baby blessings and baptisms and may not be performed to children living in the home of same-sex relationships, according to Deseret News

Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles said, “We don’t want the child to have to deal with issues that might arise where parents feel one way and the expectations of the church are very different,” according to Desert News.

According to Affirmation LGBT Mormons Families and friends, “LGBT Mormons and their family and friends throughout the world have expressed grief, shock, disbelief and spiritual confusion.”

The LDS Church has always protected the family unit and has taken steps to protect the rights of LGBT and the rights of those who wish to worship how they will. The most recent example of this is the bill the church helped pass known as “the Utah Compromise“.

Jesus Christ new what it would mean for some who would follow him. Being a disciple of Jesus Christ sometimes means giving up what you love, sometimes family.

Christ said, “I come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.” He said, “A man’s foes shall be they of his own household. He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.” Matt 10:35-37

These changes made by the LDS Church are designed to protect the child and parents from the pain and confusion that could arise from joining.

Christofferson said “We’re not going to yield on our efforts to help people find what brings happiness, but we know that sin does not.” He said, “We’re going to stand firm there, because we don’t want to mislead people,” according to Deseret News.

Regardless of how one feels about the LDS Church’s views, remember that God loves all his children and will do all he can to suffer all of his children to come unto him.

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