
Description: I designed this logo for my wife’s Etsy Website. My wife sells all types of hand made products but her specialty is in the art of crochet.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): I used Adobe Illustrator for this project. I sketched some ideas out on paper and got some great insight from those that critiqued my work.
Message: Handmade elegance.
Audience: People that love handmade crafts, but hate to make it themselves.
Top Thing Learned: I learned that anyone can design in AI. I am not an artist by any stretch of the word, but with AI I was able to create this tasteful logo. I feel confident I could create a logo for anyone now. I also learned that great logos have great people performing the critiques. I also became more familiar with color schemes and contrasting fonts.
Color Scheme and Color Names: Monochromatic/Violet
Title / Body Font Names & Categories: Xiomara/Fertigo Pro